Internationally Fabled Sensual Femme Fatale

Widow K.
Extended Arrangements

24 Hr Scenes are available with 24Hr Notice
Please be Aware that i will need 8 hrs for Sleep/Personal Time
with Private Accommodations to do so.
I will not book a 24hr Experience with first time Pets without board handles so please don't ask.
After we meet, you may develop a prevalent want to fulfill your new fixation.
It titillates me when a gentleman will express the adoration he has for me.
If you're interested in an ongoing Power Exchange, please don't hesitate to ask.
It can be anything from a monthly or quarterly arrangement and beyond.
My terms are listed below and are non-negotiable:
$10,000/month distributed in $2500 weekly increments
$8,000/month plus luxury car accommodations
(Mercedes Benz, BMW, Jaguar, etc. Transferred to me after 1 year.)
For serious consideration, please email me at HeiressVonHeaux@gmail.com.